our process
Water Line Repair or Replacement
We diagnose the problem
Water Main Repair or Replacement
Site Restoration

signs that you may need pipe replacement
Underground water pipe leaks can damage and crack the foundation of your home as well as cause mold that can endanger your family’s health.
The homeowner is responsible for maintaining and repairing any defect in the water line from the point it leaves the building up to and including the connection to the City or Village sewer in the street. This includes cleaning it when the need arises, and in some cases excavating and performing repairs or replacements.
Mold can grow in any environment, but it’s pervasive in older homes and often occurs when water is left standing. This is because mold thrives on moisture. A leaky water line, especially one with small leaks, is a source of moisture that can go undetected for some time. If you notice a musty smell or see mold growing on walls or ceilings, a leaky water line is likely the culprit. It’s essential to replace leaky lines and have the mold taken care of. Mold can cause respiratory problems, asthma attacks, and other health issues.
Another common problem that occurs when your water line is old and deteriorating is the presence of debris and dirt in your water. The main concern with contaminated water is the possibility of developing health issues from drinking the water. If you have older galvanized pipes, your water lines may also leach iron into your tap water. This can cause an unpleasant iron taste in the water that you use. You may also notice a rusty color or film on your fixtures, appliances, and plumbing. When old, deteriorating pipes affect your water quality, water line replacement is necessary.
If you are experiencing rising water bills but aren’t using more water than usual, a leak in your water line piping could be causing significant water loss that is causing an increase in your water bills. But just because your utility bill is higher than usual doesn’t mean that you need to replace all your pipes in the home. A simple water line replacement can be all that is required to re-balance your water usage and help you save money each month.
The more you wait to replace an outdated water line, the more likely you will face other plumbing problems leading to costly property damage. If you live in an older home with obsolete water lines, you may want to pre-emptively replace them.
A clogged sink or toilet does not usually affect the water pressure. However, if there is a clog in your home’s water lines, you will notice an immediate drop in water pressure. This can be caused by blockages from dirt and debris that have accumulated to the point that they are causing the backup of water when it enters your pipes. If you notice clogs happen repeatedly, it may be time to replace your water lines or even your entire plumbing system.
Water pressure is one of the essential elements of a well-functioning plumbing system. When the pressure is too low, you may experience a drop in water flow to the fixtures and appliances you use every day. This can be caused by sediment buildup and corrosion, which restricts the volume of water traveling through the pipes. A reduction in volume can also be caused by a buildup of fats, grease, minerals, and sediment known as scale.
A drop in water pressure can lead to a variety of problems. For example, you may notice that faucets and showerheads fail to produce enough water for bathing and doing household chores like washing dishes. In many cases, a drop in water pressure is due to plumbing leaks. Often, these leaks are in hidden areas, so they go unnoticed. This can result in other problems, including mold and mildew growth and damage to walls, ceilings, and floors. If you experience a drop in water pressure caused by old, leaky pipes or plumbing that is clogged by built-up debris, it’s time for water line replacement.
One of the more unusual but common reasons for water line replacement is an infestation of pests in your plumbing system. When you notice cockroaches in your home, you may think it’s simply a case of them looking for a warm place to breed. In some cases, though, a decaying water line can attract these pests because of moisture availability. If your water line is damaged or corrupted, it can leak, creating an indoor habitat that these insects use as a breeding ground.
While you can take care of the pest problem with the help of an exterminator, you will need to repair or replace your leaky water line to keep them from returning and prevent other issues in your home. A plumber from Bardi Heating, Cooling & Plumbing can find the source of your leak and provide a fix for the problem.
Of course, your plumbing will make various noises whenever someone in your home is running the shower or sink faucet. However, these noises should stop as soon as the water is turned off. If you think that you hear water running when no one is using your plumbing, you need to hire a plumber to inspect the issue. Water lines leaking behind walls and under floors need to be replaced to avoid severe property damage.
Tree roots are known to wreak havoc on pipes and underground systems. They can expand underground and cause cracks in pipes, leading to leaks. To prevent damage from tree roots, you need to plant trees away from underground piping. Regular maintenance of your water and sewer lines will also prevent roots from causing problems. However, if tree roots have already infiltrated and damaged your pipes, the only solution is to have the lines repaired or replaced.
If you see water pooling in your yard and forming little ponds, it could signify a water leak in your water line. You may also notice muddy or soft spots on the lawn or areas that are much greener than the rest of your property. Whether caused by tree roots or aging components, underground water lines leaking into your property need to be replaced.